Chairman of CK Line Co., Ltd. 김지수

The genuine leader in shipping industry

By diversifying service routes and improving our integrated maritime network, CK Line will continue to offer our customers an experience that meets their expectation, will provide our partners a service that meets their rapidly changing needs in the shipping industry.

CK Line deeply appreciates your continuous faith and support toward us.

Since CK Line was established in 1962, CK Line has offers container and bulk liner services through extensive service lines – including Korea/Japan, Korea/China, Korea/China/Japan, and Intra-Asia.

It was Korea-Japan bulk liner service with M/V CHUN KYUNG, for CK Line to initiate our service. Since then, we have enlarged our service area.

Thanks to over our client’s ceaseless trust over more than 60 years, CK Line has grown to be one of the reliable shipping companies in Korea.

To strengthen our service quality & keep pace with the rapid changes to this industry, we have established integrated logistics network and fortified total distribution system as well. Becoming the integrated Logistics Company certified by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of Republic of Korea in 2006 was one of fruition.

In return for your constant encouragement, we promise we will not stop trying to upgrade our services investing in our resources to create the value of our supporters.

We look forward to your lasting support to CK Line.

Thank you.

개인정보 취급방침

개인정보 취급 방침

'천경해운 주식회사' 은 (이하 '회사'는) 고객님의 개인정보를 중요시하며, "정보통신망 이용촉진 및 정보보호" 에 관한 법률을 준수하고 있습니다.
회사는 개인정보취급방침을 통하여 고객님께서 제공하시는 개인정보가 어떠한 용도와 방식으로 이용되고 있으며, 개인정보보호를 위해 어떠한 조치가 취해지고 있는지 알려드립니다. 회사는 개인정보취급방침을 개정하는 경우 웹사이트 공지사항(또는 개별공지)을 통하여 공지할 것입니다.

ο 본 방침은 : 2011 년 09 월 01 일 부터 시행됩니다.

이메일주소 무단수집거부

이메일주소 무단수집거부

본 웹사이트에 게시된 이메일 주소가 전자우편 수집 프로그램이나 그 밖의 기술적 장치를 이용하여 무단으로 수집되는 것을 거부하며, 이를 위반 시 정보통신망법에 의해 형사처벌 됩니다.